The Philosophy of Modern Song — Reviews — Jude Warne

The Philosophy of Modern Song

Graded on a Curve: The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan

Graded on a Curve: The Philosophy of Modern Song by Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan contains multitudes, as articulated in his song riffing on Walt Whitman’s concept, on the 2020 album release Rough and Rowdy Ways. And this is evident once again in Dylan’s new book, The Philosophy of Modern Song.

Throughout his complex and regenerative career, all of his different sides, and the characters within him, are tangible. The best writer is often the most empathic, able to inhabit the world and emotional memory of a character who exists universes away or who does not exist in real life at all. He is a changer, a shifter, malleable, and belonging to the world and all of its individuals and their probable and potential selves, beyond his own assigned self.